Do you every flip through Instagram and stop dead in you tracks because of a food video? Come on we have all done it.
The video for this recipe made me stop in my tracks. I had to make these scones.
Mine did not come out as picture perfect as the video but wow they are tasty!
We will be putting this one on repeat.
The recipe is from Thida Bevington's Instagram account, instagram.com/thida.bevington/ . Her instagram page is filled with beautiful work.
Very inspirational!!!

The recipe was easy as pie.
Mix 450 g self rising flour with 85 g sugar and 225 g of butter that has been frozen and then grated with a box grater.
At this point you want to watch the video that Thida has on her highlights page, https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18125272492166871/
Back to the recipe.
Mix in you mix-ins, in this case, the lemon zest and poppy seeds, 2 tablespoons of each.
(I use only 1 tablespoon of each, next time I will use 2 of each).
Stir in 150ml milk and 1 egg.
Mix it by hand, folding of the dough to make layers. Again refer to the highlights page -
Make them into the shape of your choice and brush the scones with milk and sprinle with raw sugar.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 to 25 minutes.
After they cooled I made a lemon glaze using lemon juice and confectioners sugar.
